In the Book of Esther Non-Jews Defended the Jews from Harm
March 17, 2022Blaming Jews for the Crucifixion of Jesus is the Ugliest Form of Antisemitism
March 31, 2022
The Elephant in the Room Question: Why Do Some Christians Dislike Jews?
In the Dark Ages there were few biblical texts so most medieval Christians could not look up scriptures and study the Bible for themselves. Most Christians during this time could not even read. So, church going laity and commoners understood the Bible only through the interpretation of the priests who, by the way, were for the most part doing everything possible to validate Christianity by demonizing Jews. If Judaism was still a valid religion, then Christianity (in the view of the theologians of the day) was invalid and therefore Jews and Judaism needed to be marginalized and defeated at any cost. There is no excuse for Antisemitism and anti-Judaism, but historically we can see how the uneducated Christian masses – having no Bibles and without the ability to read – could easily be deceived by anti-Jewish religious leaders and led astray.
So – and here is the “elephant in the room” question: Why do some Christians still dislike Jews?
How can there be Christian Antisemitism when illiteracy does not plague much of the population as it did in the Dark Ages and when we have printed Bibles in abundant supply? Why is it that many Christians today love Israel but not Jews?
What is the inspiration behind the present increase in Christian Antisemitism – the longest lasting Jew hatred in history?
Find out the answer to this question –
the most dramatic question Christianity has avoided answering for 1,700 years –
in this insightful and important podcast.